Monday, February 25, 2008

Medical Team

Up to the end of 2004, Surabaya Hajj General Hospital maintains 47 specialist doctors, 20 general practitioners, 8 dentists, 4 specialist dentists, 250 paramedics and 96 non-nursing paramedics. The figures may change depending on growing customer's needs and on our endeavour to constantly improve service capability.

Doctors and nurses in all departments and at all levels are required to enhance their skills and knowledge in their respective fields in accordance with the development of medical sciences, technology and practices. To that end, Surabaya Hajj General Hospital strongly encourages and facilitates sustainable knowledge-updating and skill-improvement programs, both within and outside the hospital.

More importantly, it is a must for doctors and nurses at Surabaya HajjGeneral Hospital to strictly comply with existing medical code of ethics andconducts. In addition, our human resources are to perform their duty accordingto enable Surabaya Hajj General Hospital prevailing standard of quality, basicprinciples, mission statement and shared values.All the effort is primarilyaimed to enable Surabaya Hajj General Hospital to provide "premier Islamic healthcare services".